RCS Vehicle Finance helps you with a cash loan to purchase vehicles which .traditional banks would not approve.Get Instant cash loan of up to R100 000 which you can use to purchase a car.With 12-60 months to pay and cash deposited within 24 hours. Its a paperless process with no queues.
Unlike a home, a car loses value over time so it’s best to pay as much as possible upfront so you don’t spend too much on monthly payments. No matter if you’re trading in or starting from scratch, we’ve got more helpful tips for buying a car on a budget.
- Decide between new and used. Both have their pros and cons. A demo model can also be a cost-effective solution depending on what it’s been used for. If you go for used, make sure it gets checked out by a qualified mechanic first.
- Get a pre-approved RCS loan first. You will feel much more confident negotiating a good price if you know you have the money behind you.
- Be a savvy negotiator. Car salesmen hoping to make their targets near the end of the month may be more willing to negotiate. Buying a car just before a new model is about to be launched could also result in a good price as dealerships try to get rid of current models. Use quotes from different dealerships as a bargaining tool. If you don’t know much about cars, bring someone with you who does.
Buying a car is a big commitment but with these tips and an <RCS loan> you can get from A to B in no time at all.